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Results for "author_first: "Geri", author_last: "Larkin", latest_content: 1"
Four kinds of misfortune Four kinds of misfortune
Everyone fears being hurt Everyone fears being hurt
Patience that is enduring Patience that is enduring
Geri Larkin in Tap Dancing in Zen What can any of us do in those moments
The teaching of humility The teaching of humility
Love Dharma Sane and salutary advice on jealousy, rage, loneliness and more.
Stumbling Toward Enlightenment Charts the path toward enlightenment as a zigzag one filled with stumbling, bumbling, and plenty of mistakes.
First You Shave Your Head Geri Larkin on the deliciousness of being present.
The Still Point Dhammapada A modernized version of this beloved text and stories as taught in a sangha in the heart of downtown Detroit.
Tap Dancing in Zen Lively dharma talks about peace, humility as joy, the art of relaxing in the world, emptying ourselves of hatred and ill will, and why vows matter.